Rating: 1/5
The story is of Kanan Mehra, aka Kay, who is a stay-at-home mom in a posh society, living in Mumbai. Her detective friend, Runa, asks her to investigate a murder and when that includes having to join in a kitty party, and with her natural poke-nose-everywhere nature, Kay can’t resist.
This book is listed as a crime thriller murder mystery. Here is my breakdown of it: the mystery falls flat, the murder (actually multiple deaths) are handled in a comical manner, the thriller part is annoying and stretched and the crime is heavily mishandled.
What kept me going in the book, initially, was the witty writing style. The plot also seemed promising and the pace at which everything worked was flawless. I loved that flow of words and how easy it went with the flow of the story. The first 50 or so pages are a bliss to read. However, it went downhill for me after that. The witty remarks soon turned into a way of body shaming, colourism, and a bunch of unnecessary judging. I tried ignoring it for a while, since the book involves a lot of gossip, but glorifying something like that is just plain wrong in my eyes. There is also a lot of stereotyping throughout this book and that alone made me want to dnf this book.
The plot of the book, although good considering how everything else about this book turned out to be, is very scattered and so is the pace of the book. Some plot points are unnecessarily stretched while some are sped up for no particular purpose.
After reading the entire length of the book to the point the mystery was to be solved, I was indeed hoping that it’ll be worth all of it. But alas, it was just another stereotyped, gossip-y ending.
I wouldn't recommend this book.
Thank you @thereaderstribe and author for a copy in exchange for an honest review